by Johan Norrfjärd | 2024 06 14
Yesterday, I got the opportunity to speak at Outdoor Office Day in HelsingborgI An inspiring event where researchers meet practitioners in a collaboration about a sustainable work life. I had the honor to give the opening speech, and here is my take on this subject.
by Johan Norrfjärd | 2023 04 27
When I started Recreatio, I got advice on how to package my services and what assignments to look for. I listened but decided to follow my heart and combine assignments within team development and HR (which I considered “safe” as I already knew I was good at it) with the more unchartered territory of developing my leadership development philosophy as well as programs for managers and leaders.
by Johan Norrfjärd | 2022 08 25
Quite a few of us have had a break during summer. A time with fewer stimuli and impressions, less important decisions to make (except from what ice cream to choose) and more time outdoors. No, I don’t say everyone have been sleeping in tents and enjoying the mountains but walking bare feet on grass and swimming in lakes and sea also counts. And we don’t just need that as a break, we need a little more other that all year around to decrease stress and keep the course forward.
by Johan Norrfjärd | 2022 05 20
”A minute to learn. A lifetime to master” was written on the box of the game Mastermind when I was a kid. I never thought so much about it then, but nowadays I think it applies to a lot of the things in life. Just this week, three different persons said to me “seems like you enjoy your life right now”, and yes, I do. Don’t know if that means I have mastered life yet, but I hope I’m on my way and here are a few secrets to that!
by Johan Norrfjärd | 2022 03 31
Mountains of all sorts have always attracted me. I remember being a kid and me and a friend brought a rope for the first time to the hill nearby where we lived and actually set a new (probably stupidly risky) route on the steepest section. A few weeks ago, I ceased the opportunity when Covid-restrictions now let up to go to Scotland and climb Ben Nevis
by Johan Norrfjärd | 2022 01 27
When my six-year-old son asks me what I do at work, my answer is simply “I help people collaborate and a lot of that is about asking them questions to make them think for themselves because they, just as you, most often have the answers themselves. They just need a little time to think.”
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